A Sexy Beast

We love Iggy Pop. Aside from his amazing his body of work—particularly his seminal records with the Stooges, which only sound better as the years go by—we love his amazing body; the sinews, the wrinkles, the blood vessels the size of fat earth worms. He’s wildly attractive and wildly repulsive all at once—no small feat at any age, but a miracle at 65. He’s icktastic, grossexy and fuckusting: everything an old punk should be.
But a bobblehead? No no no. We’re sure Iggy’s head is big enough as it is. Besides, this one looks like George Bush, Senior in a wig.
(If you think you can design a better Iggy Pop bobblehead, send us a drawing and we’ll post it on our Facebook page. The winner will get a year’s worth of heroin.)*
* - Contest void in states where heroin is illegal.
Original post: http://tmblr.co/Zj5HrwSmXmSf