Net Neutrality, Naturally

Overall, we’re neutral about a lot of things—string theory, cashews vs. almonds, the artistic value of the “Finding Bigfoot” franchise. But one thing we’re not neutral about is Net Neutrality. We’re nuts for Net Neutrality. After all, the Internet is the arena in which we make our magic, the worldwide street fair in which we peddle our wares. If Big Cable has its way, that wonderful street fair will become an awful big-box mall, with only three or four chain stores that all sell the same products, and anything funky or interesting will be priced out. The internet will turn into Manhattan, for God’s sake!

The FCC is voting new Net Neutrality rules TODAY, and while things are looking good for the pro-Neutrality cause, no one should get complacent. Help seal the deal by visiting sites like the one below and making your voice heard.

DML Man of the Week

tumblr_mv1camZWxA1ruu90ro1_500 Because if Francis Albert Sinatra wants to drink a scotch while riding in his helicopter, then he will drink a scotch while riding in his helicopter. (Notice that none of the wind kicked up by the rotor knocks his hat off his head. It wouldn’t dare.)

Life's Unattainables


When we saw this picture (reblogged from ffffound), our immediate thought was “We want some of that, yes please.” But there was no brand name or model number included in the post, so we were dubious. Was it just another of those “design concepts” that people are always posting, super-desirable products that tantalize us but are not actually available for purchase?

A little research reveals that the answer is both no and yes. What you see above is the Legno turntable, produced by the Italian company Montegiro. You can actually buy it. For $13,240. In other words, you can’t actually buy it.

We have heard of aficionados who spend $30,000 on just the right kind of speaker wire, so who knows? Maybe $13,240 is a bargain price in the rarified world of high-end audio. But until Walter White breaks into our house and leaves a huge pile of cash on our ottoman, we’ll have to add the Legno to the long list of life’s unattainables—right up there with Beyonce’s phone number and the power of flight.





22 | From Phones To Tablets: 26 Apple Designs That Never Came To Be | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

Though a quick search of the internets tells us that “fanboi” is a derogatory term, we still have to admit that we are fanbois (is that the plural? Fanboix? Fanboii) of Apple products, and get all weak in the knees when Cupertino releases something new.

So we were tickled, in our fanboi-ish way, to see this collection of early Apple designs—computers that were never actually built, but which would have been awwwsum.